The latest issue of Journal of Theological Interpretation 3.1 (2009) includes:
Daniel C. Timmer
"Character Formed in the Crucible: Job's Relationship with God"
William A. Tooman
"Edward's Ezekiel: The Interpretation of Ezekiel in the Blank Bible and Notes on Scripture"
Douglas S. Earle
"The Christian Significance of Deuteronomy 7"
Micahel D. White
"Charles Hodge, Hermeneutics, and the Struggle with Scripture"
Kent L. Yinger
"Reformation Redivivius: Synergism and the New Perspective"
Michael F. Bird
"What if Martin Luther Had Read the Dead Sea Scrolls?"
Matthew M. Bridges
"Reunderstanding How to 'Understand the Scripture'"
Hans Madueme
"Review Article: Theological Interpretation after Barth"
So, what if modern preachers and "pastor/theologians" read the Dead Sea Scrolls?
ReplyDeleteQ: What if Luther would have read the DSS?
ReplyDeleteA: He would have remained a monk
LOL ;)