How long does it take you to work through a scholarly article or a chapter of a book written in German? This question, of course, is only for those whose first language is NOT German.
I have to admit that my German has gotten a bit rusty since my post-graduate days. I just have not had the time to devote to reading with a young family and the responsibilities of a teaching career in its early stages. When I do have time I find that it takes me a good half day to carefully work through a scholarly article.
I have to admit that my German has gotten a bit rusty since my post-graduate days. I just have not had the time to devote to reading with a young family and the responsibilities of a teaching career in its early stages. When I do have time I find that it takes me a good half day to carefully work through a scholarly article.
It takes me that long to work through a scholarly article in English, which is my first language.
ReplyDeleteFirst I skim the article to find places I want to translate more precisely. Then I do those sections. So, in total, probably half a day to get through that whole process.
ReplyDeleteFrench, on the other hand, is no problem. I can blitz through French pretty quickly.
Erinnern, Michael. Übung macht den Meister.Ich schlage vor, Sie machen ein Studium in Zürich! Gott segne Sie und Ihre Familie.
ReplyDeleteGerman is my first language but for some articles even I need "a good half day". ;-)
Thank you Gerschi! I need to hear that:)!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome!
ReplyDeleteBTW, some time ago you were looking for good German commentaries. Here are two which I think haven't been mentioned before.
Eckey, Wilfried: Das Lukasevangelium unter Berücksichtigung seiner Parallelen 2 Teilbände; Neukirchen-Vluyn 22006.
Wilfried Eckey, Die Apostelgeschichte. Der Weg des Evangeliums von Jerusalem nach Rom. 2 Bde. Neukirchener Verl., Neukirchen-Vluyn 2000.
# Teilbd. 1: Apg 1,1 - 15,35
# Teilbd. 2: Apg 15,36 - 28,31