Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SAET Fellows

The Society for the Advancement of Ecclesial Theology is looking to enlarge its fellowship and further the cause of (and case for!) Pastor-Theologians. See the details here. On a side note, I think one of the best ways for us to bridge the academic/church divide is to have more doctor's in the church.


  1. Sounds interesting, haven't looked into these guys before.

    By the by, we need more doctor's what?

    *questioning look*

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I take it Gerald Bray is not in the Society?

    A choice comment from his editorial in the Churchman [PDF]:

    "There is no shame in giving up scholarship, or in resigning a bishopric, when the pressures become too great, but doing a half-baked job in one is bound to lead to the suspicion that one is doing an equally half-baked job in the other, and that the longsuffering recipients of such treatment are ending up with the worst of both worlds."

  3. that's "doctors," Mike. Was that a pun?

  4. Sam,

    No, we've settled for the lesser known, half-baked Gerald. :-)

  5. For some reason I can't click to the SAET link. It keeps saying there is an issue with it being filtered/restricted access as a "malicious web site". Are there others having a problem with the link or can it be sent directly. I've even tried googling to get access to SAET, but without avail. Thanks.
