Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lecture on E-Spirituality

For those in north of Scotland, you should take note of this special lecture, 'Downloading our Spirituality: Why Going to Church Doesn't Seem to Matter in this Virtual Age' by Dr. Julie Canlis. Dr. Canlis explores why downloading a good sermon should not, and cannot, take the place of coming together as 'church.' She explores the teaching of Calvin, and draws upon the strengths of the Reformed tradition to combat our contemporary culture of individualism.

Info: Wednesday 23rd September, 3pm, Conference Room, Highland Theological College UHI, High St, Dingwall.


  1. So, the big question— will this lecture on the evils of downloading sermons be available for download?

  2. Danny:
    You took the question right out of my virtual mouth.

    Will it be available? Seriously!

  3. Tim Challies had a good post on this topic the other day:
