Friday, November 06, 2009

CEB - Gospel of Matthew

The forthcoming Common English Bible has released its first excerpt and it features a translation of the Gospel of Matthew. Probably the most interesting "new" thing is that ho uious tou anthropou, normally translated as "the Son of Man", in the CEB is rendered as "the Human One".

HT: Doug Chaplin


  1. And here I was hoping they would just say just use "The Man" instead of "Son of Man".

  2. I wanted 'the bloke', but we can't all have our way...

  3. Dr. Bird, I've heard it translated this way before, and I believe that there was an obscure translation in the mid 1990s that used "the human one". I remember Al Kresta, a relatively well-known and knowledgeable Roman Catholic radio commentator discussed this, and such things as "God's right hand" becoming "God's mighty hand" so as to not offend left handed people. He went on to propose that perhaps Lot's wife should have been changed into not a pillar of salt, but perhaps a salt substitute.

  4. Thank you, CEB folks, for interpreting rather than translating!!
