Monday, November 09, 2009

Congrats to Jason Hood

Congratulations to Jason Hood (Memphis, USA) for successfully defending his Ph.D thesis on "The Story of Israel in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus: With Special Reference to the Function of Biblical Genealogies". It was examined by Hector Morrison (HTC/UHI) and Paul Foster (Edinburgh Uni). Jason is no longer a padawan, he is now a fully fledged Jedi Neutestamentler!


  1. And congrats to the primary supervisor as well...truly a remarkable achievement on his part, supervising someone like myself to completion...

  2. Yay! Well done Jason!

  3. Sounds like a really interesting topic - any way I might be able to get a hold of bits of it / all of it? (Not sure what the etiquette on this sort of thing is - do people hand out PHD theses?)

  4. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Well done Jason!

  5. Yeah, buddy!

    Also congrats on several recent journal articles that have just been published!
