Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wheaton Theology Conference On-line

I just discovered much to my joy that the sessions from the Wheaton Theology Conference on N.T. Wright is available for viewing on-line. See here to start watching. I just finished watching Kevin Vanhoozer's paper on "Wrighting the Wrongs of the Reformation: The State of the Union with Christ in St. Paul and in Protestant Soteriology". Vanhoozer proposes bridging the gap between tradition Protestant dogmatics and the NPP through several mechanisms such as viewing Jesus' obedience as his covenantal relatedness, by advocating a form of "incorporated righteousness" so that God's declaration is to declare someone as a man in Christ, and seeing adoption as a means of bringing together ecclesiology and soteriology (all thoughts near and dear to my heart in SROG). Vanhoozer was clear, witty, and engaging as ever - classic Vanhoozer. Some of my undergraduate students might want to watch this in particular since they've just finished writing an essay on Vanhoozer's book The Drama of Doctrine where they had to answer, "To what extent does the subject of theology determine the method?".


  1. Vanhoozer's talk was riveting (and his PowerPoint was also great which I doubt you can see in the video: e.g., Paul-bearers or pallbearers; now for some unvitriolic concluding remarks. Hays's is the other can't miss talk.

  2. I kept thinking when listening to Vanhoozer's talk on-line, "Michael Bird should be footnoted at this point." It was one of the most entertaining lectures I have ever heard...hopefully it cut the tension on a touchy subject.

  3. They seem to be missing two sessions from the 2nd day: Bockmuehl's paper and the Q&A. Yet, I wonder if that's due to the way that Wright responded to it.

  4. I agree with Brian - I kept thinking, "Vanhoozer is basically confirming what Bird has already written." Well done, Mike!

  5. For myself and others unfamiliar with Bird's work (but interested!), could someone direct me to some specific texts that relate to Vanhoozer's proposal? Many thanks.

  6. Jordan,

    Bird's book The Saving Righteousness of God would be a good place to look, particularly chapter 4, entitled, "Incorporated Righteousness," which was previously published in JETS 47.2 (2004): 253-275.

  7. Thanks for the link Michael, that was a really great talk.

  8. That might be the best lecture I have ever heard. What a wordsmith! I took some classes with Dr. Vanhozer at TEDS and you can be taking notes and thinking about some very academic material when KJV would pull out a great line time after time. Very good stuff.

  9. If I recall correctly, Bird is cited at least once if not more in Vanhoozer's actual text.
