Friday, September 17, 2010

Scripture Memorization

Thanks to a Crossway student, Sam "Periscopes" Duncan, we listened to a message from John Piper in chapel yesterday about Scripture memorization. Watch it here. Piper spends 15 minutes reciting several biblical texts from the OT and NT. His performance of Romans 8 is very powerful and it goes to show the power of aural/oral delivery of the biblical writings. One of the best things that I ever did as a young Christian was spend time memorizing a bunch of Bible verses in a pack made by the Navigators. I still think of Psalm 119.9, 11: "How can a young man keep his way pure, by living according to your word ... I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you".


  1. which do you think is better to recommend, big chunks or the Navigator pack?
    Stirred up by Tom Wright at wheaton, i have a bunch of teenagers memorizing Ephesians.

  2. The Navigators Topical Memory System. Ah yes. I did this while in college also. I still remember hundreds of verses and this was 1992 to 1994. A good system for young people.

    Chris Skinner

  3. We had to memorize about 300 verses at Reformed Episcopal Seminary, many of which remain foundational for this scribe.

    My father, as a lad, memorized 200 verses in a Canadian Presbyterian Church, pre-WW2. Then, serving with HMCS's Navy for three years, he continued Bible memory work. That came to us at the dinner table many times.

    Is it still done these days?

  4. I also did the Topical Memory System. A great practice, though memorizing a whole book is still a goal for me (someday!).

  5. A very effective method for memorizing long passages or whole books may be found at

  6. Does anyone have a problem with the way the Navigator B pack introduces a deeply problematic account of salvation to and into young Christians, partly by lifting verses dramatically out of context (a.k.a. the Roman Road in a certain variation)?

    I guess this is plug by me for memorization of complete passages. Better liturgically too, when performed.
