Sunday, January 30, 2011

20 Most Brilliant Christian College Professors

Here is a list of Christian College professors who are "all “brilliant” in the original sense of the word—they shine brightly among their peers as towering figures in the academic world. In addition, they are all Christians who do not hide their Christianity and see it as significantly impacting their intellectual work." See the list.


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I chuckled to myself when the list went from Alister McGrath to Alber Mohler...

    Takes quite an ecumenist to consider both of them "brilliant" at the same time.

    For the record, I was thinking about applying to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary when, in the process of applying, I came across one of his lectures in which he was urging the campus to go into the library and put in the hours so that they could refute people like Alister McGrath, Peter Enns, and, well, me. No mention of really giving them a chance. No humility. It was quite sad.

    Needless to say, I did NOT finish submitting that application!

  2. It is ironic that Mohler, who has been on the war path over evolution lately, is on the same list here with so many Christians who are world-class scientists and would disagree with him.

  3. A few observations:

    1. More than one of these people seems out of place.
    2. I notice this list is from April 4, 2010.
    3. No info about who put this list together. What is College Crunch? I'm suspicious that a sycophant of one of the ones I alluded to in #1 above put this list together in order to get their "idol" onto a list with more widely respected and more likely brilliant Christian professors.

  4. Al Mohler "brilliant"?

  5. Don't even know half these dudes...but do we really need another "list"? Our forefathers would have baulked at the validity of such "lists". Bleh...
