Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Scotland's Newest University

I want to say congratulations to the UHI Millennium Institute for being granted University title and (finally) becoming the University of the Highlands and Islands! See the news report here. This is also a great day for the Highland Theological College which is part of UHI (where I taught for four and a half years).

Let me say that if you want to do a Ph.D in Theology or Biblical Studies in the UK, I heartily recommend to you UHI which has a great Theological Faculty at HTC with lots of experience in supervising Ph.Ds. They have very flexible arrangements for persons who wish to remain in the USA for part or all of their study.


  1. the website talks about doing face to face meetings in Scotland 3x a year. Is this what typically happens? For completion of PhD how many trips to Scotland would you take? of course, that would add a lot of time/expense. Thanks for letting us know about it!

  2. Mike, ideally travelling to Scotland for a week a year to attend the annual postgrad seminary is well and truly worthy it. However, you can also do face to face meetings in the US at ETS/SBL.

  3. Great! I've been considering UHI for doctoral studies for a few months now. Since UHI is no longer under Aberdeen's umbrella, would a degree from UHI be worth the same as before?

  4. Matthew, UHI has TDAP (taught degree awarding powers) but not RDAP (research degree awarding powers). So UHI can administer and run research degrees, but Aberdeen would still be the accrediting body for them. At least for the next few years. But you still end up with a Ph.D from a Scottish University.
