Saturday, April 30, 2011

ESV Greek Tools

There is a cool Greek resource from Crossway called ESV Greek Tools. Go and watch the video here. It sounded really cool right up until the guy said "Macarthur study Bible" (though ESV study Bible does make up for it). I suppose Greek tools are Greek tools and this one is fairly cheap! It's not Bible Works, Logos, or Accordance - the Trinity of Bible software - but it's better than eSword (which I wish my students would stop using).


  1. Would there be any reason to need this if one does have Accordance like I do?

  2. What about Xiphos?

  3. sound like Greek have cover all the points to improve their system, according to some pharmacy reviews this is not the first system that this people approve, but well maybe we can learn a bit of this system, and apply it.

  4. Can this be accessed by a smartphone?
