April 18, London, Westminster Central Hall
April 19, Cheltenham, Cheltenham Racecourse
April 20, Liverpool, Liverpool Cathedral (Sold out)
April 21, Cambridge, Corn Exchange
April 19, Cheltenham, Cheltenham Racecourse
April 20, Liverpool, Liverpool Cathedral (Sold out)
April 21, Cambridge, Corn Exchange
Just this week Rob was in the northern Chicago suburb of Winnetka. I was not able to attend, but a few of my North Park students did. They reported that the meeting was unsatisfying because Rob's answers continued to be less than clear. One said, "I just wish he'd say what he thinks". The student also mentioned that the questions posed to Rob were more pastoral than theological.
So, I'm not sure how much would be gained by going to the event if you're looking for clarification. But I think the benefit of attending would be to see who attends and what is the nature of the conversations and questions.
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