Saturday, February 19, 2011
Timothy Gombis on Ephesians 2

"Paul tells the story in Ephesians 2 of God beginning to fulfill his promises to reclaim and redeem his creation, restoring his world and humanity to their original condition. The whole world was meant to be God's temple, according to the biblical narrative, as God dwelled with humanity and delighted in humanity's enjoyment of creation. After the fall and the tragic corruption of creation, God promises to make all things new and to return with his life-giving presence. These promises are now being fulfilled in the church and will one day be fulfilled creation-wide. This is why Paul quotes Psalm 110 in Ephesians 1:22. God has installed his King on his heavenly throne, and Jesus Christ has begun his work of reclaiming his world. The powers and authorities had rebelled, hijacking God's good world, and have held it in their oppressive and enslaving grip. But God has broken their hold in Jesus Christ and is magnifying his victory through the church. God has triumphed by opening up a sphere within creation that is the beginning of God's work of making all things new" (p. 105).
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This excerpt was quite eloquent and it was edifying to read. Thanks.
I would only substitute the word "kingdom" for "church" as the kingdom of God came just near the end of Paul's generation to replace the church as God's vehicle of government.
Indeed, the whole world is now God's temple and He Himself dwells with us through Jesus Christ our Lord!
I am enjoying Gombis' fine book. His personal stories about his church are great!
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