Saturday, July 02, 2005

New Blog: Café Apocalypsis

Through Brandon Wason's Novum Testamentum I came across a gucci [Australian Army lingo for cool] blog called Café Apocalypsis. It is subtitled: Brewed with a metaphorical, esoteric, and eschatological blend of aromatic Biblical Studies. It has news reports in biblical studies, interesting opinion (esp. on the Left Behind series which I regard as apocalyptic soap opera), and good summaries of scholarship. I liked Alan's summary of N.T. Wright's preterist interpretation of Mark 13. The site also has some excellent link's to other authors. Sounds like this blog will be a news-fest for anyone studying the book of Revelation.

I have added it to my blog roll.

1 comment:

Alan Bandy said...

Thanks for adding me. I hope to deliver what you advertised. However, writing a dissertation makes it difficult to stay in touch with current events (sometimes). Congrats on your new teaching post, I met your predecessor, Alistair, last year at ETS.