Friday, October 23, 2009

New Testament Position


New Testament

Highland Theological College - HTC

Salary: On application

Start Date: January 2010

Highland Theological College UHI is seeking applications for the post of Lecturer in New Testament. Based in Dingwall, Scotland, HTC is a non-denominational, theological college in the evangelical and reformed tradition. The College offers academic programmes at all levels from Access to PhD and seeks to prepare men and women for Christian ministry. HTC is an academic partner of the UHI Millennium Institute, a partnership of colleges and research centres, working together to provide university-level education throughout the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (see for more details). Since 2006, the Highland Theological College has been approved to train candidates for the Church of Scotland ministry. More information about the mission, aims, history and governance of HTC can be found on our website at

The successful candidate will hold a PhD in New Testament or will be in the final stages of completing doctoral studies. The appointee will play their part in teaching, research and administration within the College. The post will involve:

  • teaching New Testament and Greek language modules at undergraduate and taught Masters levels;
  • research-degree supervision;
  • engaging in academic research and publication; and,
  • participation in academic administration and the committee structures of HTC and UHI.

The person appointed will be committed to the mission, aims and theological position of the College, which is a Genuine Occupational Requirement in terms of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.

Further information and Application Forms can be obtained from Mrs Fiona Cameron ( or 01349 780000).

Applications should be received by 20 November, and all applicants will be contacted shortly thereafter.

[On a personal note: HTC is a great place to teach New Testament! The faculty, staff, and students have been a pure delight to work with. I cannot imagine a better cohort of colleagues and I will genuinely miss my students. HTC is part of the UHI Millennium Institute which is moving steadily towards University Title hopefully in 2010. In addition to having 40+ on-campus students there is also a very good distance learning programme delivering theological education to the more remote parts of Scotland through a mix of hard copy materials, web-based platforms, and video conferencing. Class sizes range from 5 to 15 students plus distance students per module. There is a real encouragement of excellence in teaching, research, and involvement with local churches as well. HTC is a reformed evangelical college and stands in the British Evangelical Tradition (e.g., Tyndale House). Its doctrinal standard is the WCF, though I would point out that Baptists and Anglicans with a calvinistic soteriology and confessional ethos are most welcomed there. Teaching load is about 10-12 hrs per week, a fair share of admin and committee work, there is good support from HTC/UHI for conference travel funding (e.g., ETS/SBL), and many invitations to preach in local churches].


  1. If only I was an NT PhD... (but I'm not)

    On another note: Is HTC making any moves to provide Gaelic-language theological resources in the Highlands?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Michael, I hold a PhD in NT, currently teaching in Hong Kong. Do I suppose that you're leaving HTC? Further, you mentioned that teaching load is 10-12 hours per week. Do you mean class time? If you're available, do write to me at Thank you.
