Nijay Gupta (Ashland Seminary) points out the relevance of P. Oxy 1423 to the debate about whether Onesimus was a runaway slave, an absconded slave, or simply on "loan" to Paul. P. Oxy 1423 provides an instance of the case of the former:
Flavius Ammonas … to Flavius Dorotheus, officialis, greeting. I order and depute you to arrest my slave called Magnus, who ran away and is staying at Hermopolis and has carried off certain articles belonging to me, and to bring him as a prisoner together with the head-man of Sesphtha. This order is valid, and in answer to the formal question I gave my consent. I, Flavius Ammonas, officialis on the staff of the praefect of Egypt, have made this order.
Magnus was in a HEAP of trouble