This last year I've been focusing on Paul in the context of the early church. How does Paul relate to other Christian groups? What did other Christians think of Paul? How was Paul an influencer of and influenced by other Christian views? What was Paul's legacy in the early church? As such, I've been involved in editing two volumes with my guru-swami-ninja-jedi buddies Joel Willitts and Joey Dodson to tackle these issues in two volumes with a cast of all-star contributors:
1. Michael F. Bird and Joel Willitts, Paul and the Gospels: Christologies, Conflicts, and Convergences (LNTS 411; London: Continuum, 2011) - 21 April 2011.

This volume attempts to situate the Apostle Paul, the Pauline writings, and the earliest Christian Gospels together in the context of early Christianity. It addresses the issue of how the Christianity depicted in and represented by the individual Gospels relates to the version of Christianity represented by Paul and the Pauline writings.
Paul and the Gospel of Mark
Michael F. Bird (Crossway College, Australia)
James G. Crossley (University of Sheffield, UK)
Paul and the Gospel of Matthew
Joel Willitts (North Park University, USA)
Paul Foster (Edinburgh University, UK)
Paul and the Gospel of Luke
David Morlan (USA)
Stanley Porter (McMaster Divinity College, Canada)
Paul and the Gospel of John
Mark Harding (Australian College of Theology, Australia)
Colin Kruse (Melbourne School of Theology, Australia)
Paul and the Gospel of Thomas
Joshua J. Jipp (Emory University, USA)
Christopher Skinner (Mount Olive College, USA)
2. Michael F. Bird and Joseph R. Dodson, Paul and the Second Century (LNTS 412; London: Continuum, 2011) - 21 April 2011.

This volume looks at the imprint and influence that the writings of the Apostle Paul had in the second century examining the Pauline corpus in conjunction with key second century figures and texts, such as Ignatius, Polycarp, and the Epistle of Diognetus. As such this volume is an exercise in the Wirkungsgeschichte or ‘effective-history’ of Paul. It investigates the impact of Paul’s legacy and examines how this legacy shaped the Christianity that emerged in the second century as represented by the Apostolic Fathers, the early Christian Apologists, and among Gnostic and Judeo Christian groups.
Introduction: Joseph R. Dodson (Ouachita Baptist University, USA)
Paul and the Pauline Letter Collection: Stanley Porter (McMaster Divinity College, Canada)
Paul and Ignatius: Carl Smith (Cedarville University, USA)
Paul and the Letter of Polycarp: Michael Holmes (Bethel University, USA)
Paul and the Epistle of Diognetus: Michael F. Bird (Highland Theological College, UK)
Paul and Marcion: Todd Wilson (George W. Truett Seminary, USA)
Paul and Justin Martyr: Paul Foster (Edinburgh University, UK)
Paul and Valentinian Interpretation: Nick Perrin (wheaton College, USA)
Paul and Judeo-Christians: Joel Willitts (North Park University, USA)
Paul and the Apocryphal Acts: Andrew Gregory (Oxford University, UK)
Paul and Irenaeus: Ben Blackwell (Durham University, UK)
Paul and Tertullian: Andrew Bain (Queensland Theological College, Australia)
Paul and Women: Pauline Hogan (Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Canada)
The Triumph of Paul or Paulinism in the Second Century?: Mark Elliott (St. Andrews University, UK)
For a second there, I thought you were going to tell us Paul was still writing. That would add a whole no wrinkle to Pauline studies. ;-)
It's a pity 1 Clement didn''t make it....
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