Jamie Grant and Alister Wilson (my future colleague and predecessor!) have edited a cracking book on the theme of covenant in biblical theology.
The reference is: Jamie A. Grant and Alistair I. Wilson, The God of Covenant: Biblical, theological and contemporary perspectives (Leicester: Apollos, 2005).
Highlights for me include Christopher Wright’s essay on covenant and mission in the OT and Kim Huat Tan’s piece that sketches an implicit covenant theology in Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom and the Last Supper traditions. Andrew McGowan makes an interesting proposal of a ‘messianic administration’ that serves as a better background for 1 Corinthians 15 and Romans 5 than appealing directly to a covenant of grace. Finally, I enjoyed Colin Chapman’s essay on the politics and theology pertaining to the land of Israel.
An excellent introduction not only for covenant theology, but also a great model of how to do biblical theology!
If anyone knows how to add a picture of a book from Amazon within a blog entry, please let me know!
Nice to see your blog, and I wish I had known of this book sooner. My Embracing Grace is now too far along to start reading more on Covenant.
One dubious reference to "covenant" in the entire Jesus tradition, and that in the Last supper context, a text that clearly shows signs of early Christian tinkering.
My forthcoming study from Baylor U Press and its shorter summary in the Dunn FS dealt with this.
Probably not the place here to get into such a discussion.
Michael, I couldn't find the book on Amazon, but here's how to put a picture of the book from IVP's site. At the beginning of your blog enter the following code:
<img src="http://www.ivpbooks.com/cb/covers/184474065X.jpg" align="left" />
Mate you are a champ. It worked! You shall be nominated for my Blogging hall of fame.
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