Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yeshua is my Yoda

What? I got that quirky line from a rapper named, get this, 50 Shekels! He is ‘the world’s most kosher MC’. His real name is Aviad Cohen. He has an interesting story. Originally he was the Jewish youth’s poster boy. He tried different brands of Judaism (Reform, Progressive, Orthodox etc) but became disenchanted with them. He would ask rabbis about Jesus but got told not to mention that name. Eventually, he went out and bought a copy of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ and through it he became a believer in Jesus and I think he has hooked up with the Jews-for-Jesus group. He now sings about Jesus the Messiah. His testimony is a cracking read – I recommend it. Go to the ‘Jewk-box’ on the same website and listen to his reading of Psalm 140 with its powerful and dramatic musical accompaniment.

Go listen to it now! If he had an Australian distributor I’d buy his CDs – maybe when I’m in Scotland.


Scot McKnight said...

When you are writing your post, there is an icon that looks like an infinity sign. If you click on that it flashes up a screen where you put in the link. (Now this assumes you've got the link.) I always open a second window, go say to Amazon, find the book I'm linking too, copy its link, and then go back to my post, hit the link sign, and then enter the link address.

This should work, Mike. I needed help with this, too.

Michael F. Bird said...


I tried. The link comes up at the bottom of the page in composition mode, but doesn't come up in either the preview or when I publish it. I have no idea what the problem is?

Mike Bird

Scot McKnight said...

Are you deleting the "http://" before you insert the address?

Michael F. Bird said...

Do you mean the "http://" already in the box or the "http://" that comes with the new address?


Anonymous said...

far be it from me to tell fitty shekel how to bust a rhyme. but. the repeated pronunciation of yhwh did throw me. otherwise, love it!