Monday, December 31, 2007

Goals for 2008

My goals for 2008 are:
1. Pray more (Book of Common Prayer in the Morning and extemporaneous at night).
2. Take my wife Naomi to ETS/SBL Boston.
3. Finish all of my scheduled publications on time.
- 6 books
- 2 journal articles
- 1 essay
4. Do less book reviews (they are so time consuming)
5. Call my mother more.
6. Write a course on the Epistle to the Hebrews
7. Read through the entire NT in Greek during my devotionals
8. Re-take a course on biblical Hebrew
9. Keep improving my German
10. Play and pray with my two daughters every day


Anonymous said...


You are publishing 5 books this year?


Anonymous said...

6 more books in a year Michael!
I will be praying for you my friend.
Happy new Year!

abcaneday said...


Six books in 2008? Please, pace yourself, my friend. We don't want you to wear out and die young.