Richard Bauckham, The Jewish World around the New Testament: Collected Essays I (548 pages worth!). Here are some of the articles:
- The Rise of Apocalyptic
- The Delay of the Parousia
- The Son of Man: 'A Man in my Position' or 'Someone'?
- The Apocalypses in J. H. Charlesworth's Old Testament PseudepigraphaPseudo-Apostolic Letters
- The List of the Tribes of Israel in Revelation 7
- The "Parting of the Ways": What Happened and Why
- The Messianic Interpretation of Isaiah 10:34
- The Relevance of Extra-Canonical Jewish Texts to New Testament Study
- What if Paul had Travelled East rather than West?
- Covenant, Law and Salvation in the Jewish Apocalypses
- The Restoration of Israel in Luke-Acts
- Paul and Other Jews with Latin Names in the New Testament
- Tobit as a Parable for the Exiles of Northern Israel
- The Continuing Quest for the Origins of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
HT: Chris Tilling.
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