I have finally emerged from the murky waters of marking (i.e. grading papers) and Michael Pahl knows my feelings. I have new insights into the afterlife. If there is a purgatory, I'm sure its inhabitants will do penance by having to read, blind-mark, and write feedback to a number of mediocre essays about the warning passages in Hebrews. Actually, some of my students wrote very good papers and it was fun watching them referee the Scot McKnight vs. Wayne Grudem confrontation. The best part was that all of the students who did the essay actually learned something. The next essays to come in will be from a course called: "Exploring Other Faiths" and the essay is entitled: Who are God's People in the Middle East? I'm looking forward to that one. The best part about being a lecturer is that I can set essay topics on stuff that interests me and I can make the students do some of the leg work before I decide to tackle the subject myself. I'm not saying that it isn't somewhat self-serving, but every job has its perks! Now before anyone jumps down my throat, I also set them topics that will contribute to their theological and ministerial formation so that everyone will gets something out of it.
This week I too have been experience these kinds of "perks". My students taking a class on the Gospels wrote some truly insightful things, making connections between the Old Testament and the New Testament I had never seen other scholars make before. It was great!
I love my job teaching God's Word--I can't believe they pay me for doing this!
I trust that all your students finally embraced the right view, neither McKnight's nor Grudem's, but Schreiner and Caneday's (The Race Set Before Us).
Ardel, it was on the reading list!
Knowing your thoroughness, Mike, I knew that it would be on the reading list.
Merry Christmas!
As a Graduate Assistant, I recently spent 17 hrs grading 41 research papers (about 15 pages each). Next week by Thursday, I should be done with all my grading. PRAISE THE LORD!
Merry Christmas Michael
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