Tuesday, January 23, 2007

William Lane Craig to Debate James Crossley

When I first became a Christian my Church did a series of apologetic studies and part of the material that we used was a video of a debate between William Lane Craig and Frank Zindler. I was astouded at the depth of Bill Craig's learning and his skills as a Christian communicator. It was Bill Craig, Tom Wright, and D.A. Carson who in their own ways each inspired to become a Christian scholar in the first place. I had the pleasure of meeting Bill Craig at SBL two years ago and it was an honour. I know that evidential apologetics is not everyone's cup of tea (esp. for certain Evangelicalesque Barthians who live in Brisbane), but I have benefitted immensely from Bill Craig's scholarly output that has included studies on Christian Theism, Cosmology, the Resurrection, and Divine Foreknowledge. Craig travels the world engaging in various public speaking events and debates. A collection of his debates are available from Apollos and he has mixed it with the best included John Dominic Crossan and Gerd Ludemann. James Crossley is no dummy and he will give as good as he gets, but I think that James might find himself out-gunned by a very effective communicator.

James Crossley vs. Willian Lane Craig. It is sponsored by the UCCF and the details are:

Was Jesus Bodily Raised from the Dead?
MAJOR DEBATE with Dr James Crossley

7.30pm, Tuesday 6th March, SHEFFIELD
University Student Union Auditorium, Western Bank,
S10 2TN

I consider James a friend and I have the utmost respect for his scholarship, but as much as I like James, I'll probably be barracking for Bill Craig (sorry James, nothing personal, just business mate).

Be there or be elsewhere. I may trot down to Sheffield for the show myself!


James Crossley said...

"I consider James a friend and I have the utmost respect for his scholarship, but as much as I like James, I'll probably be barracking for Bill Craig (sorry James, nothing personal, just business mate)."

I've been hearing that a fair bit, not least from students! Poor old me, all my friends abandning me, left alone to fight 10,000 evangelicals. Sniff.

But get yourself there, Mike!

Jay44 said...

The video of the debate is available on YouTube here:
