Friday, August 15, 2008

Books on Calvin and Union with Christ

Next year is the 500th anniversary of the nerdy but brilliant little frenchman, John Calvin, and it seems that everyone is celebrating his birth, not by cheering for Rodger Federer or by consuming copious amounts of swiss chocolate, but by writing books on Calvin's doctrine of union with Christ and its effects on later theology. Here's three I've found:

Life in Christ: Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin's Theology by Mark A. Garcia (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2008).

Imputation and Impartation: Union with Christ in American Reformed Theology by William B. Evans (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2008) [Yes, I know that this isn't directly on Calvin, but he obviously has a lot to do with it and his face is on the front cover of the book!].


Dane Ortlund said...

Also Tamburello's *Union with Christ: John Calvin and the Mysticism of St. Bernard* (Westminster/John Knox, 2007)

Stephen said...

You sound like you have finally saw the light and come round to systematic theology.

James Lim said...

Here's another one:
Cornelis P. Venema, "Accepted and Renewed in Christ
The “Twofold Grace of God” and the Interpretation of Calvin’s Theology" published by Vandehoeck & Ruprecht (January 2007)

It's not cheap! $104 (US) on Amazon!

Dane Ortlund said...

Mike - no problem, but I need your email address.

Unknown said...


Thanks for the mention of Imputation and Impartation. The cover you have seen was a mockup; the actual cover is more germane to the subject matter of the book (although there is a chapter on Calvin). The book is in press now and should be out in time for AAR/SBL/ETS.


Bill Evans