The folk at
Tyndale House have a good series of events planned this summer including:
1. The Bible and recent discoveries
Saturday 25 April 2009 at Tyndale House, Cambridge
Dr Martin Heide,
University of Marburg
We live in an age when many discoveries are being made and when sensational and misleading claims about what has been discovered catch the public eye. This day conference with a leading expert, well experienced in evaluating and explaining discoveries for lay audiences, will seek to equip Christians to understand the historical basis of the Christian faith and to share that with others. Alongside a long involvement in church leadership in southern Germany, Dr. Heide has two doctorates in Semitic studies. He has published previously unknown material in Arabic, Ethiopic, and Hebrew, and carries out research in a large range of ancient languages.
The Old Testament and recent discoveries I
12.15-13.15, lunch (lunch provided for all who send booking with payment by 18 April)
The Old Testament and recent discoveries II
14.45-15.15, tea
The New Testament and recent discoveries
Responding to Secularism: Christian Witness in a Dogmatic Public Culture
Friday 24th April 2009, 10.00am – 5.00pm, Tyndale House, Cambridge
.. TRACING secularism from its origins to current developments
.. DEFINING the secularist worldview and its depiction of religion
.. ENGAGING secularist public policies and polemics

SPEAKERS: John Stackhouse (Regent College, Vancouver), Elaine Storkey (Tearfund), Andrew Kirk (formerly University of Birmingham), Dominic Erdozain (King’s College London). This event is organised by The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics and The Gospel & Our Culture Network.
3. The John Wenham Lecture 2009: “The Perspicuity of Scripture”
Dr Wayne Grudem,
Research Professor of Theology & Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary. 7.30 pm, Wednesday 8th July 2009, Lady Mitchell Hall, Cambridge. This event is organised by
Theology For All.
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